Latest News in Salmon arm BC
published on February 9, 2025, 1:24 AM
Salmon Arm RCMP warn public about thin ice following incident on Shuswap Lake (Salmon Arm)
Author: N/A
Salmon ArmRCMPShuswap LakeThin IcePublic SafetyUnsafe Conditions
published on February 8, 2025, 11:00 AM
Eagle Bay property owner hopes to move forward with plans for campsite despite setback at the CSRD (Salmon Arm)
Author: N/A
Eagle BaySalmon ArmCampsiteMountain Bike ParkCSRDZoning BylawCommunity Plan
published on February 7, 2025, 11:00 AM
Chase FireSmart coordinator warns village at high risk of wildfire within 20 years (Salmon Arm)
Author: N/A
ChaseWildfireFireSmartMichael HendersonRisk ReportMunicipalitySalmon Arm
published on February 7, 2025, 2:00 AM
Woman calls Salmon Arm police saying her brother threatened to 'throw her in the nuthouse' (Salmon Arm)
Author: N/A
Salmon ArmRCMPPoliceDisputeThreat
published on February 6, 2025, 5:06 PM
Salmon Arm businesses warned to be on lookout for credit card fraud attempts (Salmon Arm)
Author: N/A
Salmon ArmCredit Card FraudPolice WarningRoss StreetFraud Prevention
published on February 6, 2025, 11:00 AM
Chase councillor wants more provincial funding for wildfire prevention in at-risk communities (Salmon Arm)
Author: N/A
ChaseSalmon ArmDan StevensWildfiresProvincial FundingCommunity Prevention
published on February 6, 2025, 2:00 AM
Blues band Blue Moon Marquee return to Salmon Arm with a show at the Song Sparrow Hall (Salmon Arm)
Author: N/A
Blue Moon MarqueeSalmon ArmSong Sparrow HallShuswapCanadian bandRoots and Blues FestivalFolk Music Society
published on February 5, 2025, 4:41 PM
Residents raise money to fight Spa Hills Compost claiming years of foul odours (Salmon Arm)
Author: N/A
Salmon ArmSpa HillsCompostingOdoursEnvironmental IssuesCommunity Action
published on February 5, 2025, 3:52 PM
Salmon Arm man facing several charges after alleged ice cream theft, assault (Salmon Arm)
Author: N/A
Salmon ArmAssaultIce Cream TheftShopliftingTrans-Canada HighwayRCMP
published on February 5, 2025, 2:00 AM
Salmon Arm's foreshore trail boardwalk and viewing platform replacement plans announced (Salmon Arm)
Author: N/A
Salmon ArmEric Christmasboardwalkviewing platformSalmon Arm Bay Nature Enhancement SocietyNature
published on February 4, 2025, 4:15 PM
Salmon Arm man spends night in drunk tank after taking off into snow in only pyjamas, slippers (Salmon Arm)
Author: N/A
Salmon ArmRCMPDrunk TankIntoxicated
published on February 4, 2025, 2:00 AM
Revelstoke city council votes to rescind 1985 policy forbidding nuclear weapons (Salmon Arm)
Author: N/A
RevelstokeNuclear WeaponsPolicyMunicipal GovernanceSalmon Arm
published on February 3, 2025, 5:24 PM
Salmon Arm Chamber of Commerce urges residents to shop local with U.S. tariffs on the horizon (Salmon Arm)
Author: N/A
Salmon ArmChamber of CommerceU.S. tariffsLocal businessesEconomyCanadaCanadian-made products